Top 10 Slavery Movies of All Time

In this video, we will show you a top 10 list of the best slavery movies ever made. One of the darkest and most shameful aspects of human history is the fact that slavery was once such a very prominent and commonplace aspect of everyday day life, especially in places like the United States. And while most places have now outlawed such practices, it still remains a fascinating topic to think about and to dissect. Which is part of the reason it’s appeared in so many movies over the years.

Of course it should go without saying that many movies which look at slavery focus on that which was found in the United States of America back during the 1700’s and 1800’s. In fact, films like the wild Quentin Tarantino fable Django Unchained, the historical epic Lincoln, the courtroom drama Amistad, and the harrowing tale of 12 Years a Slave all do this excellently. But this isn’t the only form of slavery which has been seen on screen as the practice has been found in other parts of the world too.

And that’s how we got movies like Spartacus, the true story of a Thracian slave who stood up against the Roman Empire back around the time of Jesus Christ. Or Ben Hur, Charlton Heston’s classic epic about a Jewish slave doing his best to become a free man in the same time period. Hell, we’ve even seen movies like 1969’s Burn! which focus on a slave revolt which took place in the Caribbean during the mid-19th century.

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