The Philadelphia Negro: The first sociological study on African Americans

“The Philadelphia Negro” was a sociological study of African Americans in Philadelphia written by W. E. B. Du Bois and Commissioned by the University of Pennsylvania published in 1899

This sociology experiment was the first conducted on Africans Americans and systemic racism. The people that commissioned the study hoped it was help gain funding for the African American community and the “negro problem” but Du Bois felt that the world was looking at race and racism incorrectly

The findings of Philadelphia experiment revealed diverse African American community that was faced with the reality of poverty, crime, and illiteracy.

Du Bois commented on the socio-economic and historical causes of the “Negro problem”, like the exclusion of blacks from the industrial jobs, single-family homes, and the continued legacy of slavery and race relations.

Check out the full new episode below called the “Souls of Black Folk” about the life of W.E.B Du Bois


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