Obama and the Myth of Black Excellence (Part 1)

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Barack Obama is a beloved and historical figure both in American history, but also in black culture. His sudden ascendency to the top of American politics took the world by storm and shocked a nation into rethinking race politics and what was possible and feasible for black people. However, as with all political figures, Obama has a complicated legacy that in many ways betrays his image as a pristine figure of progressive ideals and black excellence. In fact that concept of black excellence has insidious unintended consequences despite the beautiful image it presents to the world and to black people. In this first part of a 2 part series, F.D explores Obama’s rise to power and the elements that endeared him to the country, but also examines the subtext of why people fell in love with Obama as a political figure and how that love affair may have been more one sided than we want to admit.

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