Kehinde Wiley’s Cultural and Auction Market Significance

Let me start with how amazing Kehinde Wiley is doing in the Auction market right now, but as a disclaimer, let’s always acknowledge that these artist don’t see a penny from these transactions, so as patrons and supporters of artist, lets stay cognitive of that, even when we’re buying shares, and make sure that in some way or fashion we support in ways that directly and positively affect them. His auction market does not directly reflect his primary market, therefore this is not a depiction of that. This is simply a brief analysis of his career and auction market.

Art Galleries Explained

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// M O R I A H A L I S E
I’m Moriah Alise, I am an Art Collector, a curator and a Dealer of the arts. I founded and directed an art gallery in Houston, Texas for nearly 3 years, and now I Direct Alise Art Group.

//F R A M E
frame is art dialogue on all levels. from art market research & my perspective, art culture, to common art talk. as i chose to begin my second gallery, Alise gallery, i wanted to embark on a journey that allowed me to have open dialogue with collectors and artist globally that could somehow result in those in the art community learning from one another. its important to be culturally aware as collectors, investors, advisors, artist, and dealers. but whats often missed are the intricacies of the actual speculative, and monetary market, whats behind the culture. lets talk about it!

Hair – @Venice_Braids
Photo Credit : Ahmad Sweeney @Sweenshots

#ArtGalleryRepresentation #ArtGalleriesExplained #ArtGallery

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