YSL Young Thug – Source: SUZANNE CORDEIRO / Getty
Judge Paige Reese Whitaker accidentally used the ” n-word ” while reading in court and apologized after the clip went viral.
Young Thug is free from the YSL Rico proceedings, but the trial is far from done. The trial has become the longest in Fulton County history and adds to the lead every day. After the final defendants refused plea deals, the prosecution will continue presenting evidence. With Young Thug out of the courtroom, it seemed the viral drama would be over, but a week later, the case is viral yet again.
According to Complex, a new viral clip of Judge Paige Whitaker saying the “n-word” in court is making its way around the internet.
“I gotta do it for boo, these n***as lacking.” Whitaker read in the courtroom without paraphrasing the slur.
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Whitaker was reading a social media post in the courtroom and said the slur which was captured by various livestreams. Many have alleged the Judge and others do not pay attention to the social media chatter related to the trial but now it seems that may be a life. Shortly after the break, Judge Whitaker took the stand and immediately apologized for using the word.
“Before we broke for lunch, we were hashing through a bunch of Instagram conversations,” Judge Whitaker said. “And I was reading one out loud and basically saying it as my eyes were going over it for the first time ever and just reading whatever was on the paper. And I read out the word n-i-g-g-a-s, which I hope that that was not offense to anyone. It was certainly not meant to be offensive to anyone. I do not use that word. And it was merely—I should have been looking first before I said it, whatever I said out loud, to edit if there were any offensive words. So, I wanna apologize on the record for that.”
Whitaker also said she “does not use that word” while expressing her remorse for the mistake. Defendant Shannon Stillwell replied to Whitaker promising “Your Honor, there was no offense” to break the ice in the courtroom. The YSL trial contains more ups and downs than a made-for-TV movie. While the biggest defendant is off the case it seems the trial could still go out with a bang. At this point, we expected nothing less from this trial.
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The post Judge In The YSL Rico Case Apologizes For Saying the ‘N’ Word In Court, Defendants Accept Her Apology appeared first on Bossip.