Adrian Wojnarowski – Source: Erick W. Rasco / Getty
Former ESPN NBA insider Adrian Wojnarowski is sharing shocking news: he’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
For die-hard NBA fans, nothing made their hearts sink faster than a tweet notification from Adrian Wojnarowski. For years, those notifications, better known as “Woj Bombs”, meant roster changes and sometimes a new team for their favorite players, but his latest tweet was not happy news.
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In September of this year, Woj delivered a bomb to announce his retirement. Wojnarowski forfeited the $20M left on his ESPN contract to become the general manager of the men’s basketball team for his alma mater, St. Bonaventure University.
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Now, Woj has delivered another bomb by revealing his prostate cancer diagnosis. During an interview with Sports Illustrated’s Chris Mannix, the former insider shared optimism surrounding his diagnosis and his treatment regimen involving monitoring his cancer alongside exercising with better eating habits. The former NBA insider also revealed that he learned about the cancer before leaving ESPN.
He alleges the diagnosis didn’t lead to his retirement and instead said he was just “tired” of doing the job.
“What I was doing, it just wasn’t fulfilling anymore,” Woj told Mannix. “I was just done.”
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However, Woj made it a point to mention his close friend and colleague Chris Mortensen dying from throat cancer. Woj shared he was “stunned” at the lack of ESPN peers who didn’t attend Mortensen’s memorial after his passing.
“It made me remember that the job isn’t everything,” Woj said. “In the end, it’s just going to be your family and close friends. And it’s also, like, nobody gives a s***. Nobody remembers [breaking stories] in the end. It’s just vapor.”
Without directly saying it, that moment seems to have given him clarity on his future and what’s really important.
The post Get Well Soon: Former NBA Insider Adrian Wojnarowski Reveals Prostate Cancer Diagnosis appeared first on Bossip.