Paige Hernandez is bringing a one-woman dance party to Seattle Children’s Theatre. The show, Havana Hop, follows a young girl with stage fright as she embarks on a journey to find her courage an...
Mickey Mouse and friends are in Seattle this week for Disney on Ice! The show is called Magic in the Stars and features singing, ice skating, and more. Disney on Ice is visiting Kent and Everett throu...
For decades, the Seattle Children’s Theatre has introduced young people from all over King County to the joy and wonder of live theater. You can take your little ones to their first play or musical l...
A public pressure campaign revealed that two leaders from the Renton Civic Theatre admitted to molesting children in the past. Subscribe to FOX 13 Seattle:
The trial to settle damages in a class-action lawsuit from families of patients who were treated for mold exposure at Seattle Children’s hospital began Monday. Since 2001, seven Seattle Children...
Seattle Children’s was ordered to pay out $750,000 to a family impacted after mold was found in one of the hospital’s operating rooms, in a Wednesday verdict in a lawsuit filed by the fami...
Seattle Children’s was ordered to pay out $750,000 to a family impacted after mold was found in one of the hospital’s operating rooms, in a Wednesday verdict in a lawsuit filed by the fami...
Before she was born, an ultrasound revealed a hole in her side that let her stomach and intestines move into her chest. A life-changing procedure at birth gave her a chance. Nearby specialty care from...
‘Corduroy’ is a cute and colorful play currently headlining at Seattle Children`s Theater!