Jesse L. Martin is known for his slew of TV roles in procedural crime dramas. He played Detective Ed Green on Law & Order and Detective Joe West on The Flash. This week, he returns to television a...
Cissy Houston, the mother of Whitney Houston and an accomplished vocalist in her own right, has passed away in her hometown of Newark, New Jersey, at the age of 91. Known as the mother of iconic singe...
There’s no better way to tap into your best intellectual self than immersed in the rich tapestry of Black art. From bold modern pieces to inspiring historical nostalgia, these exhibitions offer someth...
An escape is designed to be exactly what you need it to be and that looks different for each person. Depending on the chapter of life you’re in, it can be a time to disconnect from the busyness of lif...
The street style at 2024 CultureCon in Brooklyn was nothing short of a fashion show itself. Black folks showed up and showed out in looks that made you stop and stare. It’s how we blend high-end with ...
In many states, early voting is now in full effect. With that in mind, let’s talk about voting and the Black community. From our ancestors being enslaved and denied citizenship, which also meant being...
61st Street star Courtney B. Vance hosted the Storm King Gala 2024 to honor artist Wangechi Mutu and museum executive Adam D. Weinberg inside the Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center in New York City. A...
As we near the end of the first week of October, it’s clear that spooky season is upon us. The days are getting shorter, the nights are growing longer, and a brisk chill has begun to settle in the air...
On Tuesday, the long line snaking across Harlem’s 125th Street leading to the world-famous Apollo Theater might make passersby think Travis Scott hit New York City for the night. Upon closer inspectio...