Get Surfshark VPN at and enter promo code DWELLER for 83% off and 3 extra months for free! There is something particularly poignant to me, as well as being a perfect ex...
Enjoy this short painting of “Clarity” All art is for sale on my website, prints at my Redbubble, links below. Website: (Feel free to fill out my form on my p...
I use a hematite stone I found in a field to show how the native people made paint. I was arrowhead hunting in a field along the Ohio river.
full length video+traceable: Etsy: **Please consider supporting me on patreon and receive access to traceables. Thank You!! https://...
🔥Hello Dear Viewers! 🤝❗️ (PART 2) 🤝Help GLOBAL PRANK: 💲 Donation:… We really appreciate your time, efforts and skills during th...
Black Excellist: Pioneers & Record-breaking Black Painters/Artists Join our Patreon @ African American painters and artists experience a very significant l... PICTURES OF MY PAINTING PROCESS: AN AFRICAN AMERICAN LITTLE FROM THE BACK / DE COSTAS #paintinganafricanamericangirl #paintingportrait #paintinglesson
A new gallery features the work of African American artists, possibly the first public space like this in San Antonio.