What’s on your wall? African American artists Verna Hart, Bernard Stanley Hoyes, Kathleen Wilson, Brenda Joysmith, Synthia St James and Carl Owens Which is your favorite? Tell me in the comments...
Painting dark skin with acrylic paint. Tips for making rich, pigmented colors and smoother blending with acrylic paint. I hope this video was helpful to you and wish you the best of luck in your artis...
I use a hematite stone I found in a field to show how the native people made paint. I was arrowhead hunting in a field along the Ohio river.
Top 5 Black Contemporary Artists You Should Know In this episode of Art in Color, we talk about black contemporary artists making their mark in the contemporary art world! ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ instagram ...
🔥Hello Dear Viewers! 🤝❗️ https://youtu.be/isp6_wSnqcs (PART 2) 🤝Help GLOBAL PRANK: 💲 Donation: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/glob… We really appreciate your time, efforts and skills during th...
Black Excellist: Pioneers & Record-breaking Black Painters/Artists Join our Patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/blackexcellence African American painters and artists experience a very significant l...
www.guccionegallery.com PICTURES OF MY PAINTING PROCESS: AN AFRICAN AMERICAN LITTLE FROM THE BACK / DE COSTAS #paintinganafricanamericangirl #paintingportrait #paintinglesson