BY WATER filmmaker Iyabo Kwayana on the challenges of collaborative filmmaking during the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the film Thursday 12/14: BY WATER: Follow an unlikely he...
“Black Cinema” is a unique term, with many filmmakers often sharing strong feelings about it. Spike Lee, Julie Dash, and John Singleton are just a few of the many creative minds who have c...
Independent filmmaking offers a wealth of opportunities for creative expression and exploration, providing a platform for unique storytelling and representation. The freedom to innovate, the ability t...
The African film industry faces a number of challenges that have hindered its growth and development. These challenges include a lack of funding and infrastructure, limited distribution channels, cens...
The director of a film about a black woman is claiming that ‘unabashed misogyny towards black women’ has prevented her film for being nominated for any Oscars this year. She further claims that Hollyw...
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My new album “White Jesus Black Problems” is out now. Buy or listen to it here: Order exclusive vinyl & CDs of “White Jesus Black Problems” & other merch from my officia...
This is the teaser for the new film by award-winning documentary filmmaker Thomas Keith entitled, “How Does It Feel To Be A Problem?” which was the question posed by iconic sociologist ...
Toni Kamau is the youngest female African documentary producer to be invited as a member of the Academy for Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences – Documentary Branch, class of 2020. As a creative p...