
Challenges facing today’s Modern Architects

Today’s architect has to navigate many technologies, this webinar will start the conversation surrounding these new technologies such as Agile, Cloud, Integration Patterns, Microservices, Containers, ...

How Race Has Influenced Architecture in the U.S

Mabel Wilson is part of Columbia University’s African American and African Diaspora Studies Department. This new department will bring a fresh approach to the discipline at a crucial moment in r...

Prominent African American architect Samuel Plato receives historic marker

Plato designed 38 post offices throughout the United States. He also built affordable housing in west Louisville. Subscribe to WLKY on YouTube now for more: Get more Louisville n...

Structural inequality: Why does diversity in architecture matter?

People who design our homes influence our lives. Are architects innovators – or people who impose their ideas on the rest of us? A great design can encourage us to move with the times and adopt ...

Architects Discuss the Social and Cultural Impact of Their Work

We are experiencing a unique cultural moment wherein a critical examination of our museums, monuments and arts institutions is no longer optional, but compulsory. The discussion will explore the respo...

The next generation of African architects and designers | Christian Benimana

Christian Benimana wants to build a network of architects who can help Africa’s booming cities flourish in sustainable, equitable ways — balancing growth with values that are uniquely Afri...

The problem of architecture

In architecture the programme is often seen as basis for the final outcome. The programme sometimes called the design brief is setting the requirements for the space in a set of descriptive terms. Alt...

DISCUSSION: Issues facing architecture in SA

Last week, we placed the spotlight on South African architecture prompted by issues raised by a movement calling themselves Architects for Change and challenging how the South African Council for the ...

Why I’m an architect that designs for social impact, not buildings | Liz Ogbu | TEDxMidAtlantic

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How can we combine the hard skills of design and the soft skills of humanity? How can we be expert citizens, b...

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