Happy Sunday! What better way to plan for the week ahead than by checking what the stars have in store?

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
We’re back with another week of astrological forecasts, courtesy of our favorite — Psychic Zya.
Astro Overview:
This week we have a Leo Full Moon on the 12th which will play nicely with the Aquarius sun. This transit can help you feel more glamorous, seductive and flirty overall. It’s a great time for creative projects and enjoying the “eclectic” people in your life.
On the 14th Mercury enters Pisces which will help boost the Full Moon transit and keep the creative theme going.
Seriously, there’s no better transit than to start something creative and cool or even enter a thoughtful partnership of sorts.
Alrighty, let’s see what the stars have in store for your sign this week.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN: Under this Leo Full Moon you may hear of some really good news that you’ve been waiting with bated breath for. Take note that it may come with some drawbacks though so be prepared to trust your gut and move forward accordingly.
RED FLAG: If you find yourself emotionally all over the place this week – stay mature about it — and give people a heads and just try your best to manage yourself. We are human, it happens…
SWEET SPOT: Taking up a breathwork program at this time would go a long way from relieving any chronic stress that you’ve been carrying.
More on the flip.
The post BOSSIP Horoscopes By Zya: Week Of February 9 appeared first on Bossip.