President’s Day is a great opportunity to pick up the works of leaders in politics and social consciousness. Their books provide insight into their experiences as African Americans and how they have used their positions and words to empower and inspire others. Their stories set paths for liberation and fairness on a personal and national level.
Dive into inspiring pages from former President Barack Obama, former Vice President and presidential nominee Kamala Harris and more. Honor our country today by reading and reflecting on what they have accomplished.

A Promised Land
Barack Obama (Crown, 2020)
This #1 New York Times bestseller is the first volume of Barack Obama’s presidental memoris, from his days as a young man to the path that led him to becoming the leader of the United States. An insightful and insider look at the American presidency and the nation’s political structure.

The Truths We Hold: An American Journey
Kamala Harris (Penguin Press, 2019)
Sharing the childhood experience and familial upbringing that shaped her truths and personal values, this memoir is a master class in problem solving, crisis management and leadership, written a few years before Kamala Harris became the first female, Black, and Pan-Asian Vice President of the United States.
Price: $16

The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times
Michelle Obama (Crown Publishing, 2022)
Former First Lady Michelle Obama shares more of her challenges and triumphs as a spouse in the Oval Office, and serves up sage advice on marriage, parenting and living with your mom.
Price: $19

United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good
Cory Booker (Ballantine Books, 2017)
New Jersey senator Corey Booker shares why—after receiving an Ivy League education—he turned to public service. Advocating for his home state New Jersey and all people’s right across the nation, he lays out his plan to reorient politics around the principles of compassion and solidarity.
Price: $15
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