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This podcast episode comes straight from the heart. Diversity in the film industry is a problem. The numbers do not lie.
Original Source: Fusion.net
Original Source: GirlTalkHQ.com
The film business needs to have many points of views and not just a select few. The more points of views you have, the better the industry as a how will be.
Filmmakers can not use their gender or race as an excuse for “not making it”. The diversity problem in Hollywood is SLOWLY getting better. Ava DuVernay, the director of Selma, has become the first African-American Female director to helm a major studio film with a $100 million dollar budget. (Source: Business Insider)
Original Source: The Hollywood Reporter and The Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies
Their are many examples of the industry changing. Robert Rodriguez, Guillermo del Toro, Tyler Perry, Spike Lee, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Ava DuVernay, Gale Anne Hurd, Kathryn Bigelow, Sofia Coppola, and many more have cracked the diversity wall.
Original Source: Fusion
Now that being said, I’m not saying it has been easy for the filmmakers I’ve listed. It was DAMN HARD! Things are changing but very slowly. I’ve never allowed being latino stop me from creating my own opportunities. Indie Filmmakers have to create their own opportunities and stop waiting around for “Hollywood” to give it to them. I hope this episode inspires filmmakers to go out and make it happen…no matter what!
Keep hustlin’ my friends!
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